Dotaz: měla jsem manžela v nemocnici pro bolest na hrudníku. Srdeční infarkt byl vyloučen.

Odpověď: Ohledně kořene aorty záleží na velikosti a její dynamice (růstu).

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Conditions of clerkship outside of First Faculty of Medicine

The clerkship i fully valid under following conditions:

- They were held at a university hospital that has a contract with LF1 UK

- They were held at a university hospital in the European Union

If you wish to complete your clerkship in a hospital outside of the EU, you are required to bring a syllabus of this clerkship, validated by the university where the clerkship will hold place. This validation is to be brought to the head of the English department or it can also be sent via email to

Each request will be considered individually and the final decision will be sent to you within thirty days of the submission of the request.

Minimal requirements of the clerkship:

history of cardiovascular diseases,

Physical examination in internal and surgical diseases, especially cardiovascular system

Examination of the heart murmur with auscultation

Examination of peripheral arteries (palpation) /a.carotis, a.subclavia, a.brachialis, a.cubitalis, a.radialis, a.ulnaris, aorta abdominalis, aa.renales, aa.femorales,aa.popliteae,,aa.dors.ped./, Allen test

Basic examination of venous system–  Superficial venous insufficiency with skin changes, swelling, varicose vein

filling of jugular veins, hepatomegaly

EKG basics /AMI, fibrillation and flutter of atria and ventricles /

1.       Basic clinical symptomatology in cardiovascular diseases:

aortic dissection A, B

acute valve insufficiency, interventricular septal defect


pulmonary embolization

Acute myocardial infarction


Acute and chronic critical limb ischemia

Aortic aneurism abdominalis

Deep vein thrombosis

2.       Clinical skills:

basic knowledge of wound dressing –sepsis, antisepsis, treatment of wound after surgery /anaerobic, aerobic / principals of bandage technique

indication and technique of blood transfusion

cardiopulmonary resuscitation

insertion of nasogastric tube

insertion of urinary catheter, types of urinary catheters

puncture of peripheral vein and insertion of drugs to the peripheral vein, subcutaneous

per rectum examination

3.       assistance during basic surgery procedures:

disinfection and preparation before surgery

assistance with simple surgery procedures

surgical knots

basic surgical suture technique

assistance during drainage of fluidothorax, pneumothorax

local anesthesia, local anesthetic drugs, treatment of abscess, incision, contraincision, drainage

prof. MUDr. Jaroslav Lindner, CSc.
přednosta klinikyprof. MUDr. Jaroslav Lindner, CSc. přednosta kliniky


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